211NS Data
Our online database provides easy-to-access and easy-to-search information on every social service and program in the province. Service providers are quickly able to direct people to services that are outside of their organization’s scope or area of expertise. It also allows them to discover and connect with other service providers whose goals and mandates complement their own, building stronger community networks. Furthermore, records are validated annually by our team to ensure accuracy.
Data Collection
Nova Scotia 211 collects important information on needs that are not being met either because services are not available or because the demands are greater than can be met by existing services. In addition, 211 Nova Scotia provides this vital information to community leaders who are then able to use it to better understand where the needs are and how service delivery can be improved in Nova Scotia to meet those needs.
Needs Data Dashboard
When an individual contacts 211 Nova Scotia, we collect anonymized data about where they are located and what their needs are, service availability gaps and barriers. By sharing that information with others, we can help to inform policy and funding decisions.
This information is available through our business intelligence (BI) dashboard and can help improve access and quality of care for all Nova Scotians. Click here to view the 211NS Needs Data Dashboard.