South West Nova Transition House Association
Juniper House
1-800-266-4087 24-Hour Crisis Line: 902-742-8689 - Juniper House numbers will not show up on your phone display or phone bill but could be called again by pressing the redial button
Digby Outreach: 902-245-4789
Yarmouth Outreach: 902-742-0231
Shelburne Outreach: 902-749-7170
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Offers a transition house for women and their children who have experienced abuse, with 24-hour staffing and a 24-hour toll free telephone support line.
Also offers outreach offices in Digby, Shelburne and Yarmouth counties. Women do not have to be a resident of the shelter to receive outreach services. Outreach services include:
Also offers outreach offices in Digby, Shelburne and Yarmouth counties. Women do not have to be a resident of the shelter to receive outreach services. Outreach services include:
- Supportive counselling
- Help in understanding the legal and social services systems
- A space for women to learn to trust each other and to become productive and confident in their own abilities
- Confidentiality, information and support
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Yarmouth County Senior Safety Program
Yarmouth County Senior Safety Program - District of Argyle
General Inquiries: 902-881-4099Show More
Helps educate seniors on crime prevention, health and wellness, and to promote safe and independent living at home for as long as possible. Services include:
- Home visits
- Safety information and education
- Referral to other services
- Follow-up on referrals
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Yarmouth County Senior Safety Program
Yarmouth County Senior Safety Program - District of Yarmouth
General Inquiries: 902-881-4099 - Ashley RhynoShow More
Helps educate seniors on crime prevention, health and wellness, and to promote safe and independent living at home for as long as possible. Services include:
- Home visits
- Safety information and education
- Referral to other services
- Follow-up on referrals
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Through home visits, the program provides information on:
- Personal safety and well-being
- Consumer frauds and scams
- Elder abuse
- Crime prevention
- The 911 system and what a person can expect when they call the service
- Vial of Life: Contains important medical information that is stored in your refrigerator, and provides a sticker on the fridge door that alerts emergency personnel that the vial is inside. The coordinator of the Senior Safety Program can help seniors determine what information is necessary.
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Shelburne County Senior Safety and Services Society
1-800-565-0397 General Inquiries: 902-637-2015 - Office
General Inquiries: 902-903-0491 - Cell Phone
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Provides one-on-one visits with seniors in their homes to asses safety concerns.
Safety issues discussed with seniors include security, options for health care and community outreach programming.
Safety issues discussed with seniors include security, options for health care and community outreach programming.
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Shelburne County Senior Safety and Services Society
1-800-565-0397 General Inquiries: 902-637-2015 - Office
General Inquiries: 902-903-0491 - Cell Phone
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The Senior Safety Coordinator can arrange for the RCMP to present security and safety informational sessions to be delivered at local community halls, senior group homes, and senior complexes.
Some of the information sessions would include:
Some of the information sessions would include:
- Preventing falls which would include a check list for ensuring their homes are safe
- Tips for staying independent and options for living within their homes longer
- Legal information for seniors and their families to become more aware of grandparents' rights, power of attorney, wills, and living wills
- Telemarketing fraud and identity theft workshops
- Senior abuse, opportunities to learn about neglect, financial, physical, and emotional abuse
- 55 Drivers Refreshers
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Shelburne County Youth Health and Support Association
Our House Youth Wellness Centre
General Inquiries: 902-875-3337Visit Website
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Aims to improve the health, social, economic and educational well-being of youth. Program provides one-on-one support that includes:
- Connecting youth with other services they need (medical, mental health, educational, employment, food bank, etc.)
- Transportation and accompaniment to appointments
- Strengths-based, relationship based supportive counselling
- Life skills and mentorship
- Supported access to gender-affirming items and inclusive sexual health education
- Support and access to safer sex supplies
- Support for parents/guardians in navigating the sexual health of their youth including gender or sexual identity
- Sexual violence prevention related workshops and education in classrooms
- Small group programs such as Voices, Girl on Fire, and A Young Man's Guide with youth in schools and on-site at the centre
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Digby and Area Seniors' Safety Program
General Inquiries: 902-308-0544 - Dawn Thomas, Seniors' Safety CoordinatorVisit Website
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Provides safety and security information to seniors through individual home visits or phone visits.
Works with seniors who are living at risk or in need of support.
Offers referrals for home care, assistance with filing rebates and applications and other connections are possible.
Offers connections for legal information, senior abuse related issues, frauds and scams, and assistance to live safely at home for longer.
Also supports caregivers, family members and friends of older adults.
Program covers various topics including:
- Coping with loss
- Remaining independent
- How to be safe in the community and in the home
- Living better with dementia
- Safe driving
- Fraud and scam prevention
- Internet safety
- Family conflicts
- Abuse prevention
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Queens County Senior Safety Association
General Inquiries: 902-354-5721 - OfficeGeneral Inquiries: 902-350-0231 - Cell
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Meets with clients in their own homes to address concerns, provide information, and connect seniors to other organizations and agencies as required. Some of the topics discussed are:
Also offers community presentations.
- Home safety recommendations
- Fall safety awareness
- Frauds and scams
- Well-being checks
Also offers community presentations.
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Annapolis County Seniors Safety Program
Annapolis RCMP Bridgetown Detatchment Office
General Inquiries: 902-665-4481Show More
Offers information and support to seniors on a broad range of topics through in-home visits, telephone support and community presentations. Includes:
- Personal safety and home security
- Fraud and scam prevention
- Identity theft prevention
- Internet and tech safety
- Family conflicts
- Abuse prevention and awareness
- Consumer safety information
- Seniors and the law: Includes information on Powers of Attorney and Personal Care Directives
- Vial of Life service
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Lunenburg County Seniors' Safety Partnership Society
Lunenburg County Seniors' Safety Program
Lunenburg County Seniors' Safety Coordinator: 902-543-3567 - Office PhoneVisit Website
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Provides free confidential home visits with seniors to provide information, discuss their safety concerns and possible strategies to mitigate risks. Distributes the Vial of Life to anyone in need. Referrals will be provided to additional supports and services with consent.
Offers free presentations to seniors' groups on various topics including:
Offers free presentations to seniors' groups on various topics including:
- Personal safety
- Fraud and scam awareness
- Internet safety
- Elder abuse
- Vial of Life
- Home safety
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Offers girls the chance to get together in a safe environment and talk about bullying, building confidence, self-esteem, and any other topics that are relevant to the group.
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Kings County Seniors' Safety Society
Kings County Seniors' Safety Program
Program Coordinator: 902-670-0725Visit Website
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Provides safety and security information to seniors through individual home visits with seniors and community presentations. Topics covered by the program include:
- Home security
- Senior abuse
- Fraud
- Personal safety
- New laws
- Vial of Life
- Road safety
- The 9-1-1 system
- Crime prevention programs
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Government of Nova Scotia - Department of Justice
Provincial Victim Services Program - Kentville Region
1-800-565-1805 General Inquiries: 902-679-6201
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Assists with safety planning in cases of abusive relationships, as well as sexual assault prior to charges being laid. Assists with helping victims fill out peace bond applications.
Offers a safety plan booklet that can be personalized with information on:
Offers a safety plan booklet that can be personalized with information on:
- Safety during an explosive incident
- Safety when preparing to leave
- Safety in your own residence
- Safety with a protective order
- Safety on the job and in public
- Safety and your emotional health
- Safety and drug or alcohol consumption
- A list of what to take when you leave
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Chrysalis House Association
Chrysalis House
24-Hour Support Line and Telephone Support: 902-679-1922 - Local number for Kentville area * Please call for immediate supportToll Free 24-Hour Support Line and Telephone Support: 1-800-264-8682 - Please call for immediate support
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- Accompaniment to professional appointments
- Assistance accessing services at outside organizations
- Assistance learning about court processes (criminal and family)
- Information and referral to other services
- Safety planning
- Other services based on need
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YWCA Halifax
YWCA Community Programs and Operations
General Inquiries: 902-423-6162 - Program Information, Intake and Information LineVisit Website
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Offers programs including:
- YSpace: A violence prevention program aimed at increasing and empowering young women and gender non-conforming youth to take a stand against violence and its root causes, while exploring identity and building self-esteem
- GuySpace: A violence prevention program aimed at increasing and empowering young men and gender non-conforming youth to take a stand against violence and its root causes, while exploring identity and building self-esteem
- PowerCamp: A free summer day camp for young women and gender non-conforming youth
- Youth Advisory Council: A committee of young women and gender non-conforming youth ages 16-30 that advocate and advise on program development
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Provides free, non-judgmental support to youth ages 13-24 who have been involved in a sexually exploitative situation or who are suspected of being groomed for involvement in the sex trade, regardless of gender identification, or location in the province.
Provides wraparound support and services for youth, including:
Provides wraparound support and services for youth, including:
- One-on-one peer support
- Case management
- Housing support
- Systems navigation
- Material assistance
- Accompaniment to appointments
- Court support
- Safety planning
- Employment and education counselling
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YWCA Halifax
YWCA Community Programs and Operations
General Inquiries: 902-423-6162 - Program Information, Intake and Information LineVisit Website
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Provides support to parents and families of youth exploited in the sex trade or at-risk of becoming exploited, including:
- Family-based safety planning
- Emotional support and problem-solving strategies
- Group-based support programs
- Justice system navigation and advocacy
- Child protection navigation and advocacy
- Parenting strategies
- Helping families understand the complexities of sexual exploitation and ways to respond and support their child at the various stages
- Family-based safety planning
- Emotional support and problem-solving strategies
- Facilitating one-on-one and group parenting programming
- Child protection navigation and advocacy
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Helps newcomer families learn about systems of support and resources in the community to help prevent crisis situations and works with newcomer families as they make decisions when crisis situations happen.
Some examples of crisis situations are family/neighbourhood conflict, police involvement, physical violence, bullying, tenant/landlord responsibilities, parenting challenges, financial concerns, etc.
Visit the website for a list of staff phone numbers and emails.
Some examples of crisis situations are family/neighbourhood conflict, police involvement, physical violence, bullying, tenant/landlord responsibilities, parenting challenges, financial concerns, etc.
Visit the website for a list of staff phone numbers and emails.
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Increases public awareness of violence and abuse against women by coordinating requests for presentations. Presentations can be targeted toward particular information needs such as toward persons who have family, friends or neighbours who have experienced abuse.
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Offers a remote casework program that provides support to women where they can remain in their own homes. Provides remote services such as financial assistance, mental health support, employment and housing support, helping clients find legal support, access to basic needs (i.e., food, transportation, and medication), and an overall culturally responsive model of care.
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Government of Nova Scotia - Status of Women Office
Nova Scotia Domestic Violence Resource Centre
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The Nova Scotia Domestic Violence Resource Centre can help people:
- Recognize the signs of domestic violence
- Find services and supports
- Learn ways to help someone experiencing domestic violence
- Learn about safety planning
- Learn about barriers someone may face when leaving an abusive relationship
- Access resources based on Making Changes: A Book for Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Abuse
- Learn about Standing Together
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Government of Nova Scotia - Status of Women Office
Nova Scotia Domestic Violence Resource Centre
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The Nova Scotia Domestic Violence Resource Centre can help people:
- Recognize the signs of domestic violence
- Find services and supports
- Learn ways to help someone experiencing domestic violence
- Learn about safety planning
- Learn about barriers someone may face when leaving an abusive relationship
- Access resources based on Making Changes: A Book for Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Abuse
- Learn about Standing Together
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Government of Nova Scotia - Department of Justice
Provincial Victim Services Program - Head Office
1-888-470-0773 General Inquiries: 902-424-3309
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Assists with safety planning in cases of abusive relationships, as well as sexual assault prior to charges being laid. Assists with helping victims fill out peace bond applications.
Offers a safety plan booklet that can be personalized with information on:
Offers a safety plan booklet that can be personalized with information on:
- Safety during an explosive incident
- Safety when preparing to leave
- Safety in your own residence
- Safety with a protective order
- Safety on the job and in public
- Safety and your emotional health
- Safety and drug or alcohol consumption
- A list of what to take when you leave
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Halifax Regional Police
Halifax Regional Police - Headquarters and Central Division
General Inquiries: 902-490-2554Visit Website
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Offers support and advice through home visits and community presentations to help keep seniors safe in their homes.
Trained senior volunteers provide information that can help reduce the risk of injuries and accidents, as well as various types of victimization, such as frauds and scams. Home audits are also available for individual seniors who need support in creating a safer home environment.
Please note that services provided by the the Seniors' Home Safety program are not meant for urgent advice or care.
Trained senior volunteers provide information that can help reduce the risk of injuries and accidents, as well as various types of victimization, such as frauds and scams. Home audits are also available for individual seniors who need support in creating a safer home environment.
Please note that services provided by the the Seniors' Home Safety program are not meant for urgent advice or care.
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